
Everything You Need To Know on How To Become a Software Tester

Everything You Need To Know on How To Become a Software Tester

how to become a software tester
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Are you interested in starting a career in software testing but don’t know where to begin?

Then, you are in the right place.

Keep reading.

If you have an interest in anything computer and you have analytical skills to ensure that programs are running efficiently and will meet customer expectations, then considering software testing as a career is for you.

Though not popular yet in Nigeria, Software testing is a critical function within business. This can be challenging but satisfying, requiring you to manage risk, solve problems, and improve quality through the phases of the software development life cycle.

This article will take you through everything you need to know about software testing. Here is what we’d be covering:

Here are some steps you can consider starting from to launch your career in this field:

  • What is software testing?
  • Who is a software tester?
  • Roles of a software tester?
  • Skills required to become a software tester.
  • Why is software testing a great career move?

What is Software Testing?

Software testing is the process of checking computer programs to ensure they meet specific requirements and produce the desired results. Though a low-profile career, this is a highly sought-after position in the tech industry with the primary aim of detecting bugs and reporting them into a tracking system.

This can help businesses provide helpful products to customers and protect the software from cyber attacks.

Who is a Software Tester?

As a  Software tester, your role is to conduct different tests, either manual or automated, on software to ensure that any new software made by the developer is suitable for end users and is bug-free.

A Software tester often works to ensure all the software functions operate well. He is also required to ensure the final product is glitch-free and there is no hole in the program’s security.

Meanwhile, let’s highlight the roles of a software tester

Roles of a Software Tester

If you plan on pursuing Software testing as a career, here are a few responsibilities you may be taking up

  • Reviewing software requirements
  • Creating test scenarios
  • Collaborating with a team of colleagues to develop efficient testing systems
  • Detecting and analyzing software defects or issues
  • Interacting with clients to understand software or product requirements
  • Providing feedback and assistance with software design or function
  • Designing and creating automated testing systems using computer code
  • Reporting major findings to senior managers and executives

After going through the roles of a Software tester, it’s now time to discuss a few non-technical skills you need to become a software tester. This is what we will be discussing in the next session

Skills Required Become a Software Tester

1. Communication Skills

Communication is a relevant skill for almost all fields, but for a software tester, this is a skill he needs when relaying important information to clients, understanding the goals and objectives of a certain computer program, and discussing coding challenges with colleagues.

Also, communication in written form is also important when the tester generates reports to deliver to managers and company clients.

2. Organizational Skills

In most cases, a software tester has to examine a lot of software at a particular time. Delivering the report might seem to task hence it is required that his report is well arranged and organized so that the developer’s time and effort would be managed efficiently.

They can also prioritize their work by deadlines and break down their daily responsibilities according to schedules.

3. Analytical Skills

Analytical skills will help you break up a complex software system into smaller units to gain a better understanding and create test cases. This is why a good software tester is required to have sharp analytical skills.

4. Passion

To excel in any job, one must be passionate about it. So when you are in the career of software testing, ensure you find that which resonates with you so as to keep the passion.

If you still have doubts about considering software testing as a career path, here are few reasons you should check out.

Why software testing is a great career move

  1. It’s a role that makes you innovative and puts you in a position of always thinking like your customers.
  2. You are a constant learner as you are always exposed to new software. You also encounter different customers with different views. You could be testing software for websites, mobile apps, or content management systems. This presents a constant and ongoing opportunity to learn.
  3. Almost every sector that uses software needs a software tester, from retail to banking, and all, testers are deployed across several industries which gives you a chance to explore various pathways.
  4. As we stated earlier, due to the fact that most businesses are going digital, they are all integrating one technology or the other to maximize their services. With these, there is a high demand for software testers across the globe.


As long as we have software, we’ll have software testers—this is a field that’s likely to be very stable for quite some time. If you are considering starting any tech journey, whether as a beginner or someone with experience, then we recommend Hagital Consulting as they have one of the best tech training programs in Nigeria.

The more you invest in your skills, the better your career as a software tester will be. If you want to learn more about becoming a software tester and want to move up the career ladder, dive into our Software testing Training Bootcamp course, which will help you explore the software testing techniques and tools you need to attain a successful growth in this enticing profession.

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My name is Ayobami Awosanya. I am an SEO content Strategist & SEO Manager @ Hagital Consulting.

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