
8 Tech Skills to Make You a High Demand Employee

8 Tech Skills to Make You a High Demand Employee

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If you’re looking to secure a job in tech, it’s advisable and worth it to acquire relevant tech skills.

There are many different tech skills out there but it can be overwhelming to pick the one that can make you a high-demand employee.

Knowing the different skills and how you can use them to make yourself desirable for particular jobs can help you prepare your resume, perform well in an interview, and start your career in technology.

In this article, We’ll unveil the secrets to becoming an irresistible candidate for tech-related roles and show you a list of the most sought-after tech skills that are in demand today.

What is the significance of tech skills in today’s job market?

Technological skills, especially the high-demand ones provide individuals with a competitive edge in today’s job market, making them assets opening up more job opportunities, and giving them more choices.

How to acquire tech skills that make you a sought-after employee?

Your skill set can greatly set you apart in your workplace and improve your competency and value, two things that can make you a high-demand employee.

In particularly competitive environments, it can greatly assist you to avoid being an employee that is easy to lay off, because your skills make you a great asset and of great value to your organization. You can acquire high-income tech skills by

  • Choosing high-demand skills based on your goals and what you enjoy
  • Finding a mentor.
  • Enrolling in an online training course.
  • Practicing your skills as often as possible.
  • Participate in projects and contests on the skills you want to learn.
  • Seeking feedback about how you are doing from professionals
  • Participate in job shadowing
  • Join a professional association in your field.
  • Earn a certification.

Here are 8 high-demand tech skills that will make you stand out in your workplace (job) and are high income as well.

  1. Cybersecurity
  2. Data Science
  3. Full Stack Web Development
  4. Cloud Computing
  5. Product Management
  6. Data Analysis
  7. Product Design
  8. Software Testing

1. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity, also called computer security, digital security, or information technology security (IT security), is one of the highest-paying tech skills to have in the 21st century.

It is the protection of computer systems and networks from attacks by malicious actors that may result in unauthorized information disclosure, theft of, or damage to hardware, software, or data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

Simply put, cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software, and data from cyber threats.

The growing volume and sophistication of cyber attackers and attack techniques have had more enterprises seeking professionals to help deal with these threats that can lead to huge losses for them if not addressed.

Common job tasks can include:

  • Monitoring for security breaches,
  • Investigating, tracking down and solving cyberattacks
  • Writing reports on areas such as cyber threats and risks, gaps in security controls, and the performance of security programs.
  • Conducting penetration testing
  • Installing software.

Other careers in cybersecurity include information security analyst, network engineer or architect, malware analyst, penetration tester, and so on.

The following skills may help one be a cybersecurity analyst:

  • Knowledge of scripting which includes learning programming languages such as Java and C++
  • Networking
  • Hacking in order to address cyber threats.
  • Application design and knowledge of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, IOS, and Android.
  • Firewall installation and information assurance.
  • Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.
  • Decision-making and project management.

You can read more on how to become a cyber security expert in Nigeria

2. Data Science

Data Science is the study of data to extract meaningful insights from it for an organization.

It combines math and statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning with specific subject expertise to uncover actionable insights hidden in an organization’s data.

Common job tasks might include:

  • Discovering patterns and insights in datasets to get insights that can be applied in strategic decision-making.
  • Creating forecasting algorithms and data models.
  • Improving the quality of data or product offerings by utilizing machine learning techniques.

Careers in data science include data analysts, data architects, machine learning engineers, business analysts, and more.

The following skills can help one become a data scientist;

  • Understanding of programming languages such as Python and R
  • Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Math and Statistics
  • Understanding of how databases work
  • Advanced analytics
  • Basic knowledge of statistical and business modeling tools for data communication.
  • Knowledge of modeling to determine what algorithm is best to solve an issue.

You may also want to check how to become a data scientist in Nigeria

3. Full Stack Web Development

Full-stack web development involves building and maintaining the front end and back end of a website.

The front end of a website is parts of the website that the user can see and interact with, while the back end is the behind-the-scenes data storage and processing, and they both require different skill sets.

Since full-stack developers are involved with all aspects of the development process, they must have expertise in both.

Careers in full-stack web development include front-end development and back-end development.

Some tasks included in full-stack web development roles can include:

  • Managing the complete software development process from conception to deployment
  • Overseeing and guiding the analysis, writing, building, and deployment of software.
  • Maintaining and upgrading the software following deployment.
  • Ensuring webpages are mobile-optimized.
  • Receiving design handoffs from UI/UX designers and coding them.
  • Testing and debugging on both the front- and back end.
  • Modifying and testing changes to previously developed programs.
  • Designing and developing functioning APIs.
  • Managing database and server administration duties.
  • Writing documentation.
  • Communicating with data scientists and analysts on the data architecture.
  • Staying up-to-date on new technologies that could improve technology and customer experience.
  • Communicating with end-users to determine product effectiveness.

Skills needed to start a career in Full Stack Web Development may include:

  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript
  • Frameworks like React and Angular.
  • Basic understanding of operating systems
  • Programming languages and their frameworks such as Java + Springboot, C# + .Net, and Python + Django.
  • Proficiency in VCS (Version Control System) like GIT, GitHub and GitLab
  • Knowledge of databases; relational and non-relational
  • Knowledge of APIs, e.g., JSON, SOAP and Firebase
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and REST (Representational State Transfer)
  • Understanding of testing tools
  • Understanding of web architecture
  • Knowledge of how to use monitoring tools

For more information, check out how to become the most sought full stack developer

4. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a network of remote servers hosted on the internet for storing and retrieving data. The cloud provides a number of IT services such as servers, databases, software, virtual storage, and networking, among others.

In layman’s terms, cloud computing is defined as a virtual platform that allows you to store and access your data over the Internet without any limitations.

It eliminates the need for individuals and businesses to self-manage resources or information they want to host themselves, and only pay for what they use.

Cloud computing services are divided into three main categories or types of cloud computing: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).

A cloud architect is responsible for implementing an organization’s move to the cloud. According to a survey of more than 2,800 IT senior managers with hiring responsibilities in 28 major U.S. markets in 2021, cloud computing, along with cybersecurity and database management were the most high-demand skills.

Day to day activities of cloud engineers might include:

  • Helping organizations migrate their computer systems to the cloud.
  • Configuring cloud infrastructure components like networking and security services.
  • Creating the applications and databases that perform on the cloud.
  • Monitoring cloud management and data storage services.
  • Maintaining and troubleshooting issues on the cloud.
  • Document cloud designs and data flows.

For a career in Cloud Computing, developing skills in these areas might be required

  • Deep knowledge of cloud platforms. Top cloud computing platforms include Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM Cloud
  • Programming languages such as Python, Golang, Java, or Ruby.
  • Data storage and security
  • Networking
  • Operating systems such as Windows and Linux

5. Product Management

The goal of product management is to coordinate and oversee each phase of a product’s lifecycle, from ideation to development to going to market.

Product management involves the business process of planning, developing, launching, and managing a product or service. Product managers are responsible for ensuring that a product meets the needs of its target market and contributes to the business strategy.

A product manager is basically responsible for the success or failure of the product. He focuses on the product and its customers first and foremost. Thanks to this focus on the customer, product teams routinely ship better-designed and higher-performing products.

Day-to-day activities for a project manager can include:

  • Regular meetings with the product support team to make sure they have the necessary knowledge to attend to customer requests and complaints regarding the products.
  • Obtain feedback on the product from the product support team
  • Regular meetings with the sales and marketing team to make sure they are delivering proper messaging, organizing the right marketing campaigns and other marketing efforts to the public, and also gathering feedback.
  • Checking in with the development team to ensure they are building the product to fit the business goals and other goals
  • Reviewing product KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  • Market research by checking how your product is doing against competitors and so on to find ways to make the product better
  • Recording key takeaways from your meetings (for example, your support-team meetings and making sure those data points reach the right stakeholders.

Skills needed by one who is interested in a career in Product Management can include:

  • Sales
  • Digital Marketing
  • UI/UX
  • Understanding of web development fundamentals
  • Writing
  • Strategic and analytical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Excellent research skills

6.  Data Analysis

Data analysis involves deriving insights from raw chunks of data through collecting, cleaning, modeling, interpreting, and communicating the data in a way that is understandable and in which it can then be used to make informed decisions.

It involves using various techniques and tools to analyze large sets of data and extract meaningful patterns, trends, correlations, and relationships within the data.

Data analysis is essential across various industries and disciplines like health, manufacturing, and tech.

Careers in data analysis include analytics manager, data consulting, business analyst, financial analyst, marketing analyst, machine learning specialist, and so on.

Day to day activities of a data analyst can include:

  • Gathering data either from servers or other means like surveys, tracking visitor characteristics on a company website, or buying datasets from data collection specialists.
  • Data cleaning.
  • Data modeling.
  • Data interpretation.
  • Data communication.

Skills needed for a data analyst include;

  • Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for data cleaning
  • Tableau or Microsoft Power BI for data interpretation
  • SQL
  • R or Python
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • SAS
  • Statistics

7. Product Design

Product design is the process of overseeing the design of a product from understanding the problem, to creating a solution and validating that solution with the users. It can also involve the improvement of an existing product.

Product designers are well-versed in multiple areas of the design process and ensure that the product solves users’ problems or addresses specific needs in a given market.

Some careers in product design include color technology, UI/UX design, CAD technician, and exhibition design.

Day to day activities of product designers can include:

  • Building better products by constantly improving your product design based on user feedback helps you build more successful products that align better with user needs.
  • Improve the user experience: Smart product design lets your customers get the most out of your product, both in functionality and enjoyment—and achieve their jobs to be done (JTBD), or goals
  • Track progress and measure success: Product design lends itself to tracking product success and performance over time, so you can understand if your product is meeting user needs and learn what improvements to make

Skills needed by a product designer can include:

  • Programming languages like C++, CSS, and Javascript
  • Visual design
  • UI/UX design
  • User Research
  • Communication

8. Software Testing

software testing is a crucial part of the software development life cycle. Its intent is to ensure that apps that reach the market are free from app-breaking bugs, errors, or any other missing requirement that can negatively impact the bottom line and go undetected.

To do software testing, testers either interact with the software manually or execute test scripts to find bugs, errors, or any missing gaps, ensuring that the software does what it’s supposed to do.

Careers in software testing may include test engineers, quality assurance analysts, test managers, and test consultants.

Day to day activities of a software tester can include:

  • Understanding of the software by reading necessary documentation, research, and emails.
  • Developing testing methodologies as applicable to the software.
  • Checking software for any bugs that may hamper its performance.
  • Reporting to the appropriate department about identified bugs to have them fixed e.g. if it’s a bug in the front or back-end, then the developer team, if it’s a bug in the design interface, then the design team.

A career in software testing might require the following skills:

  • Basic knowledge of databases and query languages like SQL
  • Basic knowledge of Linux commands
  • Knowledge and hands-on experience with a Test Management Tool like Testlink.
  • Knowledge and hands-on experience with any Defect Tracking tool e.g. QC, Bugzilla, Jira
  • Knowledge and hands-on experience with Automation tool
  • Knowledge of scripting languages like Javascript and C#

You can check out everything you need to know about software testing

Why do employers seek candidates with these specific tech skills?

The ongoing evolution of technology means employers are regularly seeking new digital competencies from potential hires while also reskilling existing workers,” wrote Zac Rule, vice president of North America, enterprise, at online learning platform Coursera, which recently released its list of the fastest-growing job skills for 2023.

Carol Cochran, vice president of people and culture at career platform FlexJobs, said the emphasis on digital skills dovetails with the rise of remote work. Employers offering remote-work options must find employees with experience using several types of technology, such as project management software and company-specific platforms, along with the willingness to immerse themselves in new technology, she said.

Where can you find resources to develop these high-demand tech skills?

Resources to learn these skills can be found all over the internet. Hagital Consulting offers well-structured virtual and physical training for skills like cybersecurity, cloud computing, advanced digital marketing, business analysis, scrum, and much more!

Project-based training to apply these skills is also available combined with remote job training and support to give you the opportunity and flexibility to work from anywhere with the confidence to present yourself as a professional in your field.

You can start your journey to success today by learning one of these high-demand skills by enrolling with us at Hagitalstech today!

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